
Company name Percentage of the share capital Number and date of issue of the license by the National Bank of Tajikistan State registration number Kind of activity Location
1 CJSC МLО “Standard-leasing” 94,498% - № 0266493 from 26.01.2015. Finance lease (leasing) Bukhoro street, 27
2 CJSC “Sugurtai asri 21” 100% "License № 0000004 from 18.09.2017, № 00000007 from 19.02.2018." № 0280122 from 06.07.2017. Insurance activity Bukhoro street, 27
3 Credit history bureaus «Somoniyon» Ltd 10,252% "License №0000043 from 25.07.2014." №0210020672 from 20.07.2020. Collection of credit histories, provision of reports on loans Dustii khalko street 62, room 37